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  1. 写一篇关于乐器的英语作文?
  2. 英语乐器前加the吗?


When I was a child,I was fascinated by the melody of piano on the screen.At that time,I dreamed of being a pianist and h***ing my own piano.

At the age of five,my father bought me a beautiful piano as my birthday present with the money they had s***ed for a long time.At the same time,my father found a piano teacher for me and every day I would practise it again and again as my father demanded.Before long,my interest in piano was transferred to other things.I began to escape the practice as much as I could.My father found out my impatience.He encouraged me and was stricter with me than ever before.With his help,

I underwent the hardest time and devoted myself to the piano.


Now,in my spare time after a long time of study and hard work,I always play the piano and enjoy the beautiful music.


一般来说,描述英语乐器的时候不用加the,如:piano、guitar等,但是如果是特指某一把乐器,那就要用the来描述,如:the piano in the hall、the guitar in the living room等。

关于这个问题,乐器名称前是否加 "the" 取决于乐器名称的用法和语境。一般来说,对于乐器名称,不加 "the" 是常规用法,例如:piano, guitar, violin, trumpet。


但是,在特定情况下,如在描述乐器类型或类别时,可以加 "the",例如:the brass section (铜管乐器组)、the string quartet (弦乐四重奏)。

所以,在使用乐器名称时,需要根据具体语境来决定是否加 "the"。

